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Monday, May 3, 2010

Here we are...

Wow, so this is it my first post *exciting*!

Why am I here? Well a friend... no way that bitch ain't a friend, a ahem acquaintance of mine started up a blog about how well great they are. Now I will be the first to admit I am egotistical even if it is ever so slightly (and so are you) but that is not the reason I am here.

I am here for two reasons:
1) I just watched Julie and Julia and I loved it! I cannot cook but boy can I talk shit. So I thought I would pick up the blog idea.

2) I want a hobby, one that doesn't cost. My flatmate suggested I learn a language, I am telling you now I do not have the patience! Then I thought about a musical instrument... Maybe I could be like Lisa Simpson and play the Sax. No wait Can't do that I have smokers lungs. Damn peer pressure getting me into smoking!

So in the end I decided on a blog! A blog about me, a gay boy in Auckland and no this blog wont be about how GAY I am and how much of a GAY time I have with my GAY friends (it can be if that will make you read more...haha *nervous laughter*)
No it will be about my life, my feelings, thoughts and the events big and small that define me and my destiny.

I am hoping to write daily (will never happen) please stay and have a look around. Leave a comment maybe? You see my life I think is pretty interesting and I hope you will find it interesting too because if by reading my blog you take something away from it then that will bring a smile to my gorgeous lips. ^_^

Until tomorrow...



  1. Blogs are addictive, I'm telling you. They also let you get junk off of your chest. Keep on blogging!
