"Stat or GET"

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Never ends

I LOVE work it's so much fun! Not when you have to get up at 5am to catch a flight to Wellington argh!
Two days in the Capital...of 250000 people. Wellington is tiny I mean Auckland is 1.5 million but at least it has sky scrapers like proper ones!
So I get home from work at 7pm eat a few grains of rice and now I am on here. I mean this thing is already taking over my life! Oh my life. I think I will spend more time writing about my life then actually living it now that's TOO RICH!
I was saying to a friend the other day that I want to live in New York where its cool to be single and own a dog and talk to your dog all day and feed your dog fancy feast which is like $7 for a tiny tin o no wait fancy feast is for snotty cats (have you met a cat that is not snotty?)
But seriously who does not want to live in New York!? It sounds like utter bliss 14 million people to meet...Would I really want to meet everyone in New York erm maybe not...
New Zealand is just so little and yes we might be clean and green and say no to Nuclear but where does that leave us? Our government has to borrow like $200000000 a week to keep the place running. SIGH
Maybe I watch too many movies set in New York and I don't think I could deal with the accent. I love the kiwi accent and can tolerate the English (even though they have like different accents) but anything else can GET! Australian accent is the worst shoot me now...
I would like to meet more people form overseas yes I would because this Island is just to small for my stat stunning self!

Until next time...


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